
Snow Day Fun with a Purpose!

If the homework is done and kids have played outside and then overdosed on video games parents may hear, “Mom, I’m bored,” or “Dad, let’s do something!” yes, afternoon boredom may set in when kids are cooped up at home on a school snow day. Here are some considerations to keep kids occupied and learning too.

Project Based Learning

John Dewey, inventor of the Dewey Decimal System for libraries suggested, “we learn by doing.”  Teachers may see project based learning as a formal method of inquiry. Montessori teachers have touted the value of “discovery learning,” which is child-centered. Parents may use some of these ideas for informal project-based learning and simply facilitate learning and problem solving around real world examples for fun! Here are a few ideas that incorporate the ideas of project based learning in a relaxed, natural way.

Kids meal night! Children usually eat when they have a hand in cooking. Kids meal night means the children in the family are responsible for planning and cooking the meal(s). Parents can be responsible for clean up. Kids can make the grocery list and do the shopping for the meal themselves (even if that means they just shop in your cupboards). The shopping may also involve some financial budgeting, which is a terrific applied math lesson. Measuring may be involved with the cooking, requiring another applied math lesson.

For older kids – organize family photos into albums or start a scrapbook of the family vacationTalking about the memories can help kids re-live the experience and draw you closer. Telling stories can also help children with higher order thinking skills by re-telling the vacation story, which has a beginning, middle and end.

For younger children – keep a snow day fun boxand pull it out on rainy days. Fill it with new markers, glitter-glue, old magazine pictures, scissors and cardstock, then let the kids loose to create a work of art. Encourage children to tell stories about their art or present it to the rest of the family. Or children can “re-decorate” their rooms with a new homemade poster using the snow day fun box. The poster can highlight their hobbies and interests. You may encourage them to cut out pictures of their favorite topic from old magazines and newspapers to make a theme collage.

Service Learning

Children can also find fun with meaning by volunteering. Service learning can build character and volunteering as a family can create lasting memories. Teaching service is most effective when children give something that is meaningful to them. An example of an age appropriate, meaningful service project for first and second graders is a teddy bear drive for abused children of domestic violence in shelters or hospitals. Children can be encouraged to give a stuffed animal of their own that is in good shape or earn the money by doing household chores to make a new purchase. Try some of the following service ideas.

Collect new or like-new books for the children’s wing of the hospital. To make the service personally impactful, children can deliver the books to the hospital auxiliary to distribute. Start the project at home on the snow day. Help kids make a simple online flyer and ask them to email it to their friends so they can donate as well. Going through old books at home may inspire children to read them one last time before donating them.

Organize an online rummage sale to buy extra school supplies for children who cannot afford them. Use the snow day to organize garage sale items and make posters and flyers to advertise the garage sale. Send emails to friends and family that might want to support the effort by donating or purchasing items.

Older children can write letters to thank soldiers for their service. Teaching children that soldiers are at work to protect their safety is an important lesson. It’s always nice for soldiers to receive mail from home and children can relate to the feeling of needing comfort when away from home.

These lists are meant to serve as suggestions only. You and your children will have many more ideas for creative project based learning or service learning. There is literally no end to the fun and meaning you and your children can have while keeping young minds engaged on your next rainy day.

Laura Reagan-Porras is a parenting journalist, sociologist and child advocate. She is the mother of two daughters.