
A Fun Book for Halloween

How do you keep kids reading when the excitement of Halloween hangs in the air this month? By being selective about the books you encourage them to read.

Dr. Fell and the Playground of Doom (Crown Books for Young Readers, 2016), by Westchester County-based actor/ storyteller, journalist and theater/ improvisation teacher David Neilsen, is just the sort of book kids won’t be able to put down. This book doesn’t distract kids from Halloween, but rather plays into the deliciously spooky themes of the season.

A large deserted brick house at the end of Hardscrabble Street has been a playground of sorts for the kids in this small town neighborhood. When a strange fellow by the name of Dr. Fell takes ownership it seems like all the fun is over – but, it’s just the beginning.

Dressed all in black, except for a tall purple top hat, Dr. Fell builds an elaborate playground in his front yard. The kids love it and soon they fall mysteriously under his spell. Parents are even captivated by the peculiar doctor. Kids start getting hurt on the playground, but somehow Dr. Fell heals each one with inexplicable speed.

Three of the children sense something is wrong and set out to uncover the doctor’s secret power and underhanded ambitions. It’s a slightly spooky, fun story with clues dropped along the way so kids can put the truth together along with Jerry, Nancy and Gail – the three bright, enterprising kids who ultimately save the town.

Perfect for children ages 8 to 12 or as a book to read to younger kids. Available at bookstores and on amazon.com.