The World’s Largest Rubber Duck Returns to New York
Imagine this: You’re strolling along the boardwalk at Playland, enjoying the views of Long Island Sound, when suddenly, you spot a gigantic rubber duck floating in the water. It sounds like something out of a movie or an unbelievable dream, but this will be a reality for Westchester families this season! The world’s largest rubber duck is returning to Rye this summer. She will be floating on our shores alongside her baby duckling, Timmy, offering plenty of opportunities for photos, fun events, and more for families to enjoy.
Be sure to check out… Playland Announces New Historical Ferry Tour.
What to Expect
The World’s Largest Rubber Duck is an experience families won’t want to miss. Spotted in major cities, concerts, various events, and more, this duck travels throughout the U.S., bringing joy and an all-new type of experience for viewers to appreciate. The massive Mama Duck, which drew thousands of visitors in 2023, will captivate both kids and adults and will definitely have everyone wanting their shots taken in front of this massive work of art. Mama Duck returns to Playland from Friday, August 16th, through Sunday, August 18th. Towering at 61 feet, Mama Duck and her 10-foot baby duckling, Timmy, will be the main attraction at Playland’s Beach and the perfect addition to anyone’s end-of-summer bucket list.
Evonne Keeler, Chief Executive Officer of Playland, says, “We are thrilled to feature the Big Duck for our 2nd Annual Duck Days of Summer at Rye Beach. Mama Duck brings her oversized love and joy around the world, and we are excited to have her swim up the Long Island Sound to Playland. All weekend, we will feature fun games, giveaways, photo ops, fireworks, and live music.”
More Fun at Playland
During the end of the summer season, Playland is hosting various activities for the whole family to enjoy. Visitors can see the iconic Dragon Coaster, which recently marked its 95th birthday, enjoy outdoor summer concerts presented by The Capitol Theatre, watch firework displays on Friday and Saturday evenings, enjoy numerous fun rides and games, and take a historic ferry tour led by Historian Barbara Davis, showcasing the cultural legacy of the Westchester waterfront.
On this tour, families will learn about the childhood home of John Jay, the inaugural chief justice of the Supreme Court, and discover one of America’s earliest film studios, once owned by the pioneering D.W. Griffith. While aboard, relish the cool breezes and feast your eyes on breathtaking panoramic views of the Long Island Sound.
Explore the historic sites and significant eras of Westchester’s history, from the humble colonial mills and the secretive hideouts of whale boatmen to the opulent yacht clubs, elegant Gilded Age mansions, and the birth of the earliest suburbs in the nation.
Playland’s Duck Days of Summer weekend schedule includes:
Friday, August 16th
Fantastic Fireworks Display at 9:00 pm
Saturday, August 17th
Boarding for historic ferry tour #1 at 1:15 pm
Boarding for historic ferry tour #2 at 3:15 pm
Capitol Theatre Concert – Damn the Torpedoes | A Tribute to Tom Petty at 7:00 pm
Fantastic Fireworks Display at 9:00 pm
Sunday, August 18th
Capitol Theatre Concert – The Rock and Roll Playhouse | The music of Blink-182 & more for kids at 2:00 pm.
Playland is easily accessible by public transit. A roundtrip ferry service from New York City is available on August 17 and August 31. The route includes stops at East 34th and 90th Streets in Manhattan and Ferry Point in the Bronx.
Follow the Duck
If you and your little ones want to follow along on Mama Duck and Timmy’s nationwide adventure, be sure to visit thebigduck.us. You can also find updates on where they land on their Instagram and Facebook pages.
Don’t miss out on this fun, family-friendly adventure landing on our shore this summer.