
Who Is That?

            On Saturday, January 5th at 10 a.m., the Hudson Highlands Nature Museum’s Outdoor Discovery  Center, entrance on Muser Drive, across from 174 Angola RoadCornwall you can learn how to identify the winter birds that come to your outdoor feeder!

Join Environmental Educator Megan Hoffman to learn how to identify winter birds using characteristics such as: size, color, patterns and movement. Find out what types of bird food attracts which species of birds.

“The Dark-Eyed Junco was the most frequently reported backyard bird in New York,” says Megan. “This social bird spends its winter in a flock of up to 30 birds that will remain together throughout the winter season!”

Participants will make a simple bird feeder to take home. For adults with or without children and children ages 5 and up. Admission: $7 adults; $5 children. 

For more information visit hhnaturemuseum.org or call 845-534-5506, ext. 204.