
Meet Elizabeth Pecoraro: Author of The Allergy-Friendly Cookbook

The Allergy-Friendly Cookbook by Elizabeth Pecoraro features 60-allergy free recipes for families to make that are simple, easy, & delicious.
“The Allergy-Friendly Cookbook” by Elizabeth Pecoraro features 60-allergy free recipes for families to make that are simple, easy, & delicious.

Interview with Elizabeth Pecoraro of “The Allergy-Friendly Cookbook”

There is much that is unknown about food allergies, especially when it comes to kids. When Elizabeth Pecoraro, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and the founder of Eating Healthy 4 Life, and her own kids were diagnosed with food allergies, she quickly realized that cooking was going to be a big factor in her life. She wrote down these recipes, which eventually developed into what you can find in her new book, The Allergy-Friendly Cookbook.

Featuring 60 allergy-friendly recipes, this recipe book/resource empowers families by providing healthy and delicious meals that are free of the top nine allergens. This also includes options for substitutions, nutrition notes, cooking tips, and much more.

Read on to learn more about Elizabeth and the book.

Westchester Family: How did the idea for The Allergy-Friendly Cookbook come about?   
Elizabeth Pecoraro: Both of my children have food allergies and our daughter has five of the top nine allergens and then some. My husband and I learned pretty early on that cooking was going to be a huge part of our lives.  When my daughter, Gabrielle, was older I realized that in order to make our lives easier, I should start writing down and saving the recipes I have created.  A couple of months later, I thought that maybe our recipes could help other families, and so began the creation of The Allergy-Friendly Cookbook.
Westchester Family:  Why was it important for you to write The Allergy-Friendly Cookbook?
Elizabeth Pecoraro: When Gabrielle was diagnosed with so many food allergies, I felt lost and alone, and I didn’t want other parents to feel the same way I did.  As a dietitian, I wanted our daughter to be healthy and at the same time safe, in regards to her food allergies.  Being able to help others who are going through what we went through felt like the right thing to do.  As a nutrition professional, it felt as if it was my responsibility to help these families.

The Allergy-Friendly Cookbook by Elizabeth Pecoraro features 60-allergy free recipes for families to make that are simple, easy, & delicious.

Westchester Family: What do you hope families will get out of reading the book?
Elizabeth Pecoraro:  I hope families get to take a sigh of relief, at least for a moment.  I hope they feel as if someone is looking out for them and they are not alone.  I also hope they enjoy these recipes with their family without the stress of trying to figure out what to make every single night.  Food allergies or not, it is hard to feed an entire family meals that are not only kid-friendly, but also healthy and easy-to-make.  This book is really for all parents who want to feed themselves and their children nutritious meals.
Westchester Family:  Why do you think there is so much that is unknown about food allergies?
Elizabeth Pecoraro: Food allergies are very complex.  I started specializing in food allergies about three years ago.  I have learned so much already and I am learning more everyday.  Everyone reacts differently to their allergens and their reactions can change each time.  Food allergies are much more common now as compared to when I was a child. I am trying to figure out what has changed in the environment and the human body. However, this is not an easy task.  Luckily, scientists are working on amazing research for the food allergy community.  The future looks bright, for sure.
Westchester Family: How did you pick the recipes to feature in the book?  
Elizabeth Pecoraro:  I tried to include every recipe that my children enjoy and was not a pain to make.  Plus, I wanted the majority of these recipes to be nutrient-dense.  If the recipe passed these tests, they were included.  The desserts are a little more fun as compared to healthy, even though the sugar content is significantly lower than traditional baked goods.
Westchester Family: What do you like to do in Westchester when you’re not working?
Elizabeth Pecoraro: We love to advantage of all the outside family-friendly activities. Some favorites are Muscoot Farm, local farmer’s markets, hiking trails, and parks.
Westchester Family: What’s next for you?  
Elizabeth Pecoraro: My mind is always going to “what’s next!” Right now I am trying to live in the moment and enjoy this time.  This cookbook was a labor of love. I want to sit with the accomplishment of finishing it and getting it out to families.
I do have one thing I was working on while finishing up the cookbook.  It is an online food allergy course for parents with children who have been newly-diagnosed with food allergies.  The course is sort of like a one-stop shop when it comes to food allergies.  Plus, they have access to me because I want families to feel supported.
And of course, I will continue to work with clients one-on-one.  My ultimate goal is to help people nourish themselves in a way where their bodies thank them as they get older, food allergies or not.