
Supporting Your Kids’ Emotional Well-Being (during a pandemic)

Photo by Fröken Fokus from Pexels

Supporting Your Kids’ Emotional Well-Being

History can be our biggest teacher, if we reflect upon previous pandemics, we know that they do come to an end. With vaccines being trialed and implemented at a rapid pace, there is light on the horizon. Nonetheless, the past year has been rough and challenging, especially for families. With children’s education being disrupted during the pandemic and with ongoing school closures, hybrid and remote learning, Zoom fatigue and even the right access to technology, a lot of pressure has been put on the shoulders of parents and caregivers. It is difficult, at times, to maintain positive emotions within ourselves, let alone for our children. However, as we move into 2021 and remote school continues for some children, it is important to help children build positive routines, nurture emotional self-regulation and build resilience.

Right now, we are all going through collective trauma. We may have different problems arise and challenges to face but many humans, on this earth, have been affected and lives impacted due to the coronavirus.

Despite this trauma, focusing on the positive helps readjust our mindset. There is a theory called, Post-Traumatic Growth, which explains transformation following trauma. It was developed by psychologists Richard Tedeschi and Lawrence Calhoun and theorizes that when people endure struggles and adversity, that positive growth emerges. “People develop new understandings of themselves, the world they live in, how to relate to other people, the kind of future they might have and a better understanding of how to live life,” says Tedeschi.

Currently, we are in the midst of the struggles and it’s hard and uncomfortable. In spite of this, remaining focused that positive growth will occur on a micro and macro level once things calm down and return to a new normal. Think of this time as a transformation. How can we do life better? What is important? What is not?

Nevertheless, right now we are in the thick of it. And parents and caregivers are TIRED! Working from home, child-caring and educating seems unsustainable.

Here are some strategies and tips on supporting you and your children’s emotional well-being that may help your family get through This New Year with firm footing.

To read the full article, check out “Supporting Your Kids’ Emotional Well-Being” on our sister site New York Family!
