Every Thursday, beginning April 4 through Thursday, June 6 at 10 a.m. join the Museum’s staff for Nature Strollers, a hiking group for families with babies, toddlers and young children. Come take a one-hour hike at the Hudson Highlands Nature Museum’s Outdoor Discovery Center on Muser Drive, across from 174 Angola Road,Cornwall.
The Nature Stroller group follows the gentle trails of the Outdoor Discovery Center and explore the field, pond and forest. Enjoy a hands-on fun nature lesson before heading out on the trails. The trails are stroller and toddler friendly. Meet at the Visitors Center. Admission per adult/child pair: $5.00. Museum Members are free. In case of inclement weather call the museum. For more information call 845-534-5506 ext. 204. For a listing of more programs, visit the Museum’s website at www.hhnaturemuseum.org.