A Man is Not A Financial Plan
Girls, Inc. of Westchester County recently held their third annual, “A Man is Not A Financial Plan,” a daylong empowerment event that attracted 200 participants from 17 different communities. Local high school girls gathered at Manhattanville College in Purchase to listen to keynote speaker, award-winning journalist Sharon Epperson, CNBC senior energy and finance expert, participate in interactive workshops and learn about what it takes to be a financially independent female. Find out more about the organization at 419-0764 or www.girlsinc.westchester.org.
And the Winner Is …
Perhaps you’ve heard about the great contests Westchester Family runs. If not look for the January contest announcement in this issue (page 8), sign up for the newsletter online or join our Facebook page so you can enter to win. Families are winning great prizes every month. Christian, Monique and Vincent Savastano, above, are just a few of our happy winners.
Ted E. Bear Hospital a Great Success
Children recently brought their teddy bears, stuffed animals and dolls to White Plains Hospital to meet Dr. Ted E. Bear, a friendly, costumed character. All toys were given a health evaluation and treatment
by the doctor and his staff of health professionals. Afterward, children and their guardians took a tour of the new, expanded and enhanced Emergency Department and a tour of an operating room. The program successfully introduced children to a hospital environment in a safe and caring manner. White Plains Hospital Center, 41 E. Post Road, White Plains. 681-0600. www.wphospital.org.
Sociable Kidz on CNN
Sociable Kidz was recently seen on CNN highlighting places for children to go to learn how to handle being bullied. CNN went to Sociable Kidz and taped an actual class as well as a parent support group. They watched children talk about their bullying experiences, do role-plays, practice using I-Statements and write positive compliments to each other. Co-owners, Susan Hendler and Monica Weber, were interviewed by morning anchor, Kiran Chetry. Chetry also interviewed some of the children’s parents about the success of the program. The segment can be seen on CNN’s website. For more information on Sociable Kidz call 502-3295 or