
Need Last Minute Childcare?

As unbelievable as it sounds there are safe, fun facilities to take your child to when you’re in a pinch. Cut out this list and keep it on the refrigerator for when the next emergency hits.

Ann and Andy Child Care,

Elmsford, 592-3027 • www.annandandychildcare.com

From babies to school-age children, Ann and Andy Child Care offers drop-off childcare when other babysitting arrangements may fall through. Parents need to provide all pertinent medical information and emergency contact phone numbers. There also needs to be space in the age group requested to accommodate your child.

Bright Horizons


Bright Horizons offers drop-off childcare in various locations throughout Westchester and southern Connecticut. Visit their website, plug in your zip code, and find a center close to your home or office.

Child Care Council of Westchester,

761-3456 • www.childcarewestchester.org

Here is your one stop shopping for childcare resources in Westchester County. Experts from the Child Care Council can provide information about drop-off childcare, afterschool programs, summer camps and in-home care.

Family Helpers,

674-8535 • www.familyhelpers.net

Families pay a registration fee and then receive discounted access to a professional sitter with only one hour’s notice. All of the employees are carefully screened and have childcare experience in order to insure the best experience for your child.

JCC on the Hudson,

366-7898 • www.jcconthehudson.org

The JCC offers Kidspace for the little ones, starting at 6 months through pre-K. Parents can choose one day of childcare or five, and the minimum stay time is only one hour. Children spend time playing and socializing while parents can work, shop, or even relax on a flexible schedule.

Rosenthal JCC,

741-0333 • www.rosenthaljcc.org

Parents can register their children annually, and never again worry about where the children will be on a day off of school or when something comes up after 3 p.m. The JCC’s K-6 PlayCare program is perfect for as-needed use, and busing is available from area schools. There is also a small fee on the day the childcare is needed.

– Elizabeth Gebbia