
Muppets Most Wanted – An Adventure from Start to Finish

The storyline finds The Muppets wrapped into an European jewel-heist caper headed by a Kermit the Frog look-alike and his dastardly sidekick. With a stellar cast headed off by Ricky Gervais, Ty Burrell and Tina Fey, we might all be crowding into the local theater to catch a glimpse of this PG-rated release. KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Jeremy P. (age 7) says, “This movie is so exciting and also very funny.” Gerry O. (age 11) adds, “I love this film. The idea is priceless and original…” Morgan B (age 9)  continues, “From beginning to end it’s a ton of fun for everybody. You are sure to leave with a smile on your face and a new quirky joke to tell everyone.” And Simone (age 13), sums it up, “This film is fantastic because it has the perfect combination of catchy songs and talented actors. It keeps you on the edge of your seat because you never know who was going to show up next.” Their full reviews are below along with a link to Keefer B’s cast interviews (http://youtu.be/S-bW5vZuprc) at the premiere. Enjoy.

Muppets Most Wanted

Reviewed by Jeremy Badour, KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 7
Full video review here: http://youtu.be/fOWuNkgbd9Y

“Muppets Most Wanted” is a very suspenseful and entertaining movie.  There is a lot of fun singing and dancing throughout. The music director (Christophe Beck) does a great job choosing the right music at important moments in the film. Parts that are suspenseful have dramatic music to go along with it.

In the movie, “Muppets Most Wanted,” the Muppets go on a worldwide tour to become famous. They team up with Dominic Badguy (Ricky Gervais) who sends Kermit the Frog (Steve Whitmore) to jail and switches him with the world’s number one criminal, Constantine (Matt Vogel). Dominic and Constantine use The Muppets and their performances to try and steal the Crown Jewels.

This movie is so exciting and also very funny. It takes you to a lot of incredible places like Berlin, Germany; Madrid, Spain; Dublin, Ireland; and London, England. All the adventures keep you wondering where they will end up next and if the bad guys will get caught.  I also think it is cool the way the Muppets are so real in their roles with all of the other actors. There are a lot of awesome celebrities who have bit parts with the Muppets too, such as Salma Hayek, Lady Gaga, Usher and Celine Dion! There are many great parts in this film. My favorite part is when Constantine and Dominic Badguy break into a museum to steal a gold key and a gold locket. The key and locket help them disable traps so they can steal the crown jewels. I was so nervous and excited the whole time.

There are a couple of really good messages in this film. One is that your true friends will always believe in you and will do anything to help when you need them. The second message is a reminder to always tell people you love them and don’t take them for granted. Kermit experiences both of these in the end of the movie when his friends surprise him by standing up for him. It made me feel really good inside.

I give this film 4 out of 5 stars because it is very funny and exciting. I think younger children might find some parts of this movie too scary so I recommend it for kids ages 7 to 18.


Muppets Most Wanted

Reviewed by Gerry Orz, KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 11

Full video review available here: http://youtu.be/3ILW3Td9Meg

I did not know what to expect from this movie. Believe it or not, this was my first experience with the Muppets. I kind of thought it would be a show for little kids, but boy was I wrong. “Muppets Most Wanted” is a great family movie many people would enjoy.

This film has quite a bit to love. It has action, adventure, comedy, mystery, suspense, thrill, romance, history and of course everyone’s favorite, The Muppets.

The adventure begins when Kermit and the Muppets are about to begin a world tour. However at their first destination, something terrible happens to Kermit. If you want to find out what happens, you got to watch the film.

I love this film. The idea is priceless and original and of course, just the concept of Muppets is fun. The directing is fantastic – the Muppets move, run, kiss, jump and fall smoothly and realistically. The Muppets are hilarious. The voice talent also are fantastic. You can’t loose with a cast that includes Ty Burrell, Ricky Gervais and Tina Fey just to name a few.

My favorite scene is when there is a crime at a famous European museum. The European agency and the CIA are at the scene. Two of the agents are seeing who has the bigger badge. It looks like a the French agent wins but, 5 minutes later, A UPS guy (What is he doing here by the way?) comes with a big box. The CIA agent pulls a rope and a gigantic badge is there. It’s funny, lighthearted and the idea alone is kind of ironic.

This film is meant for younger kids but is a bit of violence in it. So I recommend it for ages 9 to 18.  I also give it 5 out of 5 stars.

I’m sure that this new Muppet adventure will very quickly become a favorite among families everywhere and I can’t wait to see what’s next in store for our beloved Kermit and Piggy – will they finally get married and perhaps go on their honeymoon? Stay tuned.

Muppets Most Wanted

Reviewed by Simone Sharrieff, KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 13

Full video review available here:

The Muppets Most Wanted is a fantastic movie packed with comedy and excitement. The crowd was laughing so loudly that sometimes it was hard to hear the movie. This film is fantastic because it has the perfect combination of catchy songs and talented actors. It keeps you on the edge of your seat because you never know who was going to show up next.

The Muppets are back for the eighth time and before they finish catching up with each other, they meet Dominic Badguy (Ricky Gervais.)  Dominic convinces the Muppets to go out on a world tour. At the same time Constantine, the world’s most dangerous frog, escapes from prison and hatches an evil plan to hide his identity. Constantine kidnaps Kermit and takes over Kermit’s identity. Kermit is mistaken for Constantine and is sent to prison. This leaves Constantine free to steal the crown jewels of England. It is up to the Muppets to save Kermit and stop Constantine before the world’s most beloved puppets become the world’s most wanted criminals.

The scene where the inmates put on a show in prison is hilarious. It’s my favorite part of the movie. Watching scary looking men sing and dance like they are on Broadway is priceless.  I also enjoyed watching Constantine act like he is Kermit. You will laugh out loud when you see what happens to him as he gets ready to go on stage during a musical performance.

All the actors do an amazing job in this movie. One actor who really stands out for me is Ty Burrell who plays Jean Pierre. His witty comments and funny attitude really add to the comedy. My favorite actress in this movie is Tina Fey who plays Nadya. What makes her performance great is that on the outside she is so strict, but on the inside she is really very warm and caring. Her accent is so realistic that I thought she was actually from Russia.

The message of this movie is that true friends will always be there for you no matter how bad things get. “The Muppets Most Wanted” is perfect for both boys and girls ages 8 to 16 and I give it five out of five shimmering stars. You definitely don’t want to miss this one.


The Muppets Most Wanted

Reviewed by Morgan B., age 9, KIDS FIRST! Film Critic

Full video review available here: http://youtu.be/b_nkhS120wY

It’s time to think green. It’s March and we have Saint Patrick’s Day, the beginning of spring and March 21st Kermit will be on the big screen once again in The Muppets sequel “Muppets Most Wanted.”

Can you say World Tour? Kermit finds he’s been confused with the world’s most dangerous frog “Constantine.” Constantine has a diabolic plot that involves fleeing a Siberian Russian Gulag and taking the Muppets from Kermit. He needs a good cover while he and his side kick #2 use them as a cover to steal the crown jewels. First, he and #2 must travel the world unraveling the clues. They need to find a way to open the secrete passage way into the Tower of London where the jewels are kept.

I really enjoyed seeing the Muppets in many different settings around the world. It just proves the Muppets are loved every where they go. My favorite scene is when Kermit tries to get Constantine away from Miss Piggy at their wedding. That’s right, there is a huge wedding between Kermit and Miss Piggy, kind of. Miss Piggy has the most beautiful dress and Kermit looks so handsome in his tuxedo. We were lucky enough to see this movie at the El Capitan in Hollywood, California. They have the costumes and props on display there including her elegant wedding dress.

I was a bit disappointed that Miss Piggy didn’t give anybody her famous “Hi yea” karate chop. My favorite character of course is Miss Piggy. She’s unbeatable in her duet with Celine Dion. There are so many guest appearances I can’t even list them all here. You’ll have to see the movie to see who all shows up for cameo appearances.

The cast itself is awesome. Ricky Gervais is brilliant as Dominick Badguy (pronounced as Bad G; it’s French). I love Tina Fey as Nadya. She is adorable and has a great singing voice. Ty Burrell as Inspector Napoleon is very funny.

In true Muppet fashion the music is terrific and I enjoyed the “Sequel” song in the beginning of the movie. It’s the best. It is wonderful seeing the whole Muppet gang back together again.

From beginning to end it’s a ton of fun for everybody. You are sure to leave with a smile on your face and a new quirky joke to tell everyone.

I recommend this to ages 5 to 18 because all your favorite Muppets make an appearance in the movie at some point in time. I give this movie 5 out of 5 twinkling stars.

Credit: KIDS FIRST! Coming Attractions