It’s a new year and the time for a new you. Don’t let the fact that you have a baby hold you back from meeting your exercise goals. Here are just a few of the many classes in our area that can help you get back in shape with baby in tow.
• Baby Boot Camp. Developed by fitness expert Kristen Horler, this stroller-based class helps moms regain or enhance their fitness levels. 355-9176.
• Mommy & Me Yoga. A drop-in class promoting strength, serenity and flexibility through yoga practice. Pre-registration required. 681-1234.
• Nature Strollers. A hiking group for families with babies, toddlers and young children. The one-hour hike follows gentle trails set in the beauty of nature. 845-534-5506.
• Stroller Strides. A stroller fitness program that incorporates power walking with intervals of strength and body toning. Taught by certified fitness instructors. 977-3038.