
Joss Kendrick American Girl of the Year 2020!

The American Girl of 2020, Joss Kendrick, is an inspiration.

Joss Kendrick American Girl of the Year 2020 is already a hit with little girls love her already! Joss is a 10-year-old from Huntington Beach, California, who American Girl describes as “a fierce athlete born with hearing loss and a passion for surfing and competitive cheer.” She is the first doll of the year with a disability woven into her story.

Pssst … The American Girl Doll of 2019, she was from the Hudson Valley!

Meet Joss Kendrick

Joss Kendrick joins American Girl’s lineup of inspirational characters. These girls impart meaningful life lessons. This helps girls learn and grow with confidence. Whether she’s on her surfboard or in the gym, Joss Kendrick shows girls the importance of trying new things. She pushes past stereotypes and being a good team player.

In honor of Joss Kendrick, American Girl has partnered with Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA). They have given the nation’s leading nonprofit representing people with hearing loss a $25,000 donation to support the organization’s education and awareness programs.

American Girl is also teaming up with 17-year-old surfing prodigy Caroline Marks. Marks is preparing to make history next summer as a member of the first-ever U.S. Women’s Olympic surfing team to celebrate the Girl of the Year. We expect many young fans to be cheering her on this summer alongside their Joss Kendrick dolls.

Joss has long brown hair and brown eyes and arrives wearing a swimsuit, hoodie, and shorts. She also has a removable hearing aid in her right ear. American Girl fans can rejoice. There is already a full line of Joss Kendrick American Girl of the Year 2020 products. Get her ready to workout in her surfboard and swim gear. Next, she can don her cheer outfits and equipment. After that, let her take her talented English bulldog, Murph the Surf Dog for a walk.

The Joss collection is available at americangirl.com and at all American Girl retail locations nationwide.
