
Janet Bloom of Curious G and Me

Photo by Yumi Matsuo

Janet Bloom of Curious G and Me

Summer is back on here in New York! For this issue, we spent a fun day on Coney Island with Janet Bloom of Curious G and Me. Janet is an NYC mother, digital creator, and communications consultant, and she and her family are all about trying new things.

I love that Janet inspires readers of her website and Instagram to get out and have fun with educational kid-friendly adventures. Janet, her hubs of 10 years, Josh, and daughter G, share everything from NYC must-visits to style-inspo and even delicious eats and treats, all packed with personal stories that bring these guides to life. 

Janet also shares why she enjoys living and raising her daughter in such a diverse city. She talks about how the current turmoil of racism against the AAPI community affects her family and then how she explains the violence to her daughter.

I chatted with Janet on her NYC adventures, the creative and engaging ways she shares these experiences, and why they are so important for kids and adults alike.    

Read more about Janet Bloom of Curious G and Me at New York Family.
