Julianna Noone is a 13-year-old film critic from Orange County who has walked the Red Carpet four times and met celebrities such as Jada Pickett, Chris Rock and Ben Stiller.
Perhaps you think she has a family connection or she’s some super bold teen on a brazen path. Neither. According to Noone’s parents Chris and JoAnn, Julianna was always quite shy when it came to public speaking. “She may have been shy,” says her dad, “but she certainly had strong opinions.”
So when her mom, JoAnn, saw a KIDS FIRST! Film Critic announcement looking for kids to serve as film reviewers her interest was piqued. “My mom went to the website and it explains everything, says Julianna.
After applying she was accepted as a KIDS FIRST! Film Critic and then the fun, and the work began. “It’s a little bit of work but a lot of fun,” says Julianna. She has reviewed some 15 to 20 movies for Kids First! to date and each review is a new experience. Her mom likes that Julianna has to get her thoughts down on paper. “It’s a little bit like writing an English paper and that’s good,” she says.
Julianna not only writes her review she delivers her opinions on videotape. “I am the designated cameraman and bodyguard,” says her dad. At first he was a little uncertain on how to handle the camera, but he says the staff at KIDS FIRST! Walked him through everything, “They were great, “ he says.
So does your kid have what it takes to be a film critic? Right now all kids ages 7 to 15 in the tri-state area are invited to enter the KIDS FIRST! ® 2014 Film Critics Search Competition. Coaching is available to every child entering the competition in the form of guidelines, tips and webinars on the campaign web page. Although the competition is restricted to 12 winners, every child who enters wins by learning valuable skills and has a chance to shine! The contest ends December 31, 2013. All the information you need to get started is right in the website.
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