Many Westchester schools have closed and that means many kids are hunkered down at home. If they are school age there will be schoolwork to be done, but what is going to occupy them for the rest of the day? Besides the usual TV and electronic devices, here are some other choices for Westchester kids.
Stuck indoors
- Build a fort with pillows, cushions, and blankets
- Get out the arts & crafts
- Build with LEGOs
- Cook something yummy
- Get out the board games
- Make your own book
- Play card games
- Play hide-and-go-seek
- Make a big box into a puppet theatre and put on a show
- Play dress up
- Get out the Play-Doh
- Have a picnic lunch – blanket and all
- Have a scavenger hunt
- Line up chairs and take a pretend train ride – pack snacks for the journey
- Read a book, or two, or three
- Dance to music
- Exercise – yoga and simple stretches are good
- Set up the toy train set
- Make a batch of slime … here’s a recipe
- Watch a movie – remember the popcorn
- Take a bubble bath with all the bath toys
- Fill the kitchen sink and wash toys that can get wet
- Have a tea party
- Work on a puzzle
- Play library. Line up all your books and take turns checking out books.
- Play grocery store. Take clean items out of the recycle bin and make shelves of things to buy. Someone’s the cashier someone else is the shopper.
- Blow up balloons and play balloon tennis
- Play with bubble wrap
- Set up a bowling game in the hallway
- Play Simon Says
- Use your library card online and use some of the free resources from your public library. Hoopla: You can download digital movies, books, and games. Gale Courses: 300-instructor lead online courses. free online homework help. Learning Express Library offers practice tests SAT, PASAT, ACT, AP, and more. online learning platform Check out the online resource section of your local library and other libraries too!
- Look at old photos
- Play karaoke
- Line up collectibles. Line up all the toy cars, LEGOs dolls, stuffed animals, action figures, beanies (or whatever else your kids have plenty of) in a line – it might go all the way down the hallway. Then count them!
- Take a hike around the neighborhood
- Walk the dog
- Jump in puddles
- Take a bike ride
- Get the scooters out
- Play hopscotch
- Play tag on the lawn
- Gather rocks, pinecones, and leaves and take them home to use in craft projects
- Play jump rope
- Take photos of nature
- Clean the garage and find old toys
- Blow bubbles
- Play with sidewalk chalk
- Look for birds or bird nests with binoculars
- Play Frisbee
- Play a game of catch
- Play follow the leader. Each leader has to walk a different way, hop, skip, tip-toe, giant steps or anything at all.
- Keep a diary about these days at home … these are exceptional times!