
5 Tips for the Sandwich Generation

Being part of the Sandwich generation may mean your time and energy are at a new low. Carring for your children and your aging parents is an incredible responsibility and can be overwhelming at times. As the clinical manager at Partners in Care, a division of the Visitng Nurse Services  of New York, I have seen how parents faced with this emotional challenge avioded burn out. here are some tips to help you manage your dual roles.

• Make a schedule: When you’re being pulled in so many different directions, things can get chaotic. Keeping a schedule will maintain your organization and help prepare you for what’s next.

• Talk to your employer: Your situation is one that could bleed into work if you’re not careful. Talk to your employer about your heavy schedule outside of work to prepare them for instances in which you might have to leave early or suddenly.

• Seek family/friend support: You don’t have to be alone. Sibilings, friends or your spouse are good people to ask for help. If you have siblings, try to work out a schedule of care with them to take some of the load off. In any instance, even help with one minor chore during a hectic day can make a big difference.

• Get professional assistance: Home health aides can help to varying degrees, either taking over the majority of your workload with your elderly loved one or simply subbing in to give you a much-deserved breather.

• Give yourself a break:
 The emotional stress of caring for others can be exhausting and overwhelming. Make a point to set aside an hour a day for something you like to do – anything from reading the morning paper or taking a relaxing walk to clear your head.