
Your Child's First Dental Visit

1. Start early to get your child acclimated to visiting the dentist.

2. Consider a “get acquainted” visit to introduce your child to the dental office before the first appointment.

3. Choose a pediatric dental practice. Pediatric dentists have two to three years of specialized training beyond dental school in treating children. Plus, the offices are child friendly.

Select an appointment time when your child is alert and rested.

5. Explain before the visit that the dentist is a friend and will help your child keep his teeth healthy.

Answer all your child’s questions positively.

Avoid using scary words. Check-ups and 90 percent of first visits do not have anything to do with “hurt,” so do not even use the word.

8. Read your child a story about a character that had a good dental visit.

9. Write out questions in advance about your child’s dental health on such topics as home care, diet and snacking, fluoride, and tooth development.

Make sure your child has regularly scheduled dental visits twice a year to maintain good dental health.

Source: American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
