
Stress Less: 7 Simple Tips

With the complexity of our schedules these days, a mom’s job as family manager can make a day in the life of an air traffic controller look easy. To give yourself a taste of what simplicity can look like in a modern family, pick one of these simplicity starters to try in your home.

1. Create device-free meal times. Provide a basket or other container for cell phones and other electronics to be deposited before the meal and keep it out of arms’ reach while you eat (and talk). Assure everyone that their devices will be returned once the table is cleared and dishes are washed (by someone other than mom – bonus relaxation for you).

2. Find joy in the free stuff around you. Beautiful sunsets, afternoon naps, children’s laughter, playing with the family dog. Instead of paying money, pay attention. Keep a journal of what you notice.

3. Shed traditions that don’t fit your family. As children grow, some of the trappings of celebrations and holidays cease to appeal to them. When all the preparation falls to mom, it can be frustrating to receive a lukewarm reaction. Drop the frustration along with the extra work. Instead, let your kids tell you what they want the celebration to look like.

4. Let go. Consider letting acquaintance friendships fall away to make more time for meaningful relationships. It may cause you a little discomfort at first, but the payoff in the long-term will be priceless.

5. Develop routines and rituals for the repetitive stuff. Following the same pattern for activities you do regularly, such as a morning and bedtime routine, allows your mind to go on autopilot. Each routine you incorporate frees up mental space for more important tasks.

6. Offer the most direct answers to your children’s questions. Keep it simple and let them ask for further explanation if they want it. As parents we can tend toward giving more information at one time than our children might require.

7. Don’t be afraid to repeat the same meal every week (such as Friday night pizza). It’s the substance of tradition. Just make sure you choose a food everyone in your family won’t mind having over and over.

Once you’ve tried a sample of modern simplicity you may find yourself hooked. However, don’t complicate your life by implementing too many strategies at once.

Lara Krupicka
